Thursday, June 11, 2009

Antiques U.S.A

Texas has some wonderful, old downtown areas, and I love to try and imagine what it might have been like 50 or 100 years ago to walk down these same streets. I admire the dedicated individuals who have worked so hard to keep the historical evidence of small town America at hand.

I sometimes paint with a group of friends in the upstairs room of a local gallery in our hometown which overlooks the downtown historical district. For years now, I have looked out at this charming little antique shop that sits at the corner and have wanted to paint it. I am always pausing to admire the American Flag painted on the front of the building.

Having finished another painting the same day, I finally decided to grab a blank canvas and give it a whirl. Typically, I paint from photographs so this was a switch for me. I did, however, take pictures with my camera just in case I second-guessed anything after I got home.

I wonder if the man shopping with the woman was happy to be antiquing or if he was hoping she'd had enough so they could head home? Or maybe he was the one who enjoys antiquing?

"Antiques U.S.A."
8"x10" oil on canvas



Sometimes the best places are the oldest places.Nicely painted,

Mary J DuVal said...

Thank you - I think so too! I don't know, I just have such a nostalgic feeling when it comes to old buildings and wondering what their histories are.

FCP said...

This painting has such a wonderful nostalgic feeling--and you did an excellent job with the perspective for such a complicated subject!

Mary J DuVal said...

Thank you, Faye - I always feel a little more under pressure with regards to perspective when it comes to buildings.

Mary J DuVal said...

I was eating downtown today and hanging in the restaurant was a series of paintings of the district done many years ago. I noticed the antique shop I painted (minus the flag!) and apparently it used to be a photographer's office. I wonder how many incarnations this building has had with various businesses setting up shop? Might be interesting to find out.