Monday, July 9, 2007


I started a fruit series awhile back and have been surprised at how much fun it is to do these smaller paintings on gallery-wrapped canvas. After doing oranges and pears, I had to do a tribute to my favorite...the ever sweet, ever crunchy, Fuji. All other apples fall to the wayside, in my personal opinion. I remember first discovering them in California and being crestfallen when they were not available in Texas - they eventually made their way to the larger market and no mushy Gala shall touch these lips again (unless my mother uses them for baking). I can slice up one of the larger (1 pound!) Fujis for the whole family.

There's debate about the "so-called apple" in the Garden of Eden and whether it was actually an apple. I'm thinking it may have been a Fuji.

This canvas is a little larger, a 6"x6" and with a deeper gallery wrap at 2-1/2" deep. It would sit prettily on a shelf somewhere. Now available at $125 + s/h. Email me at


Anonymous said...

Second attempt to leave a comment - next time I'll ask a teenager for help. Great start to the Blog. Thanks for the invite - you are now listed in the favorites! However, returning to the topic - wasn't that apple supposed to be a pomegranate?

Mary J DuVal said...

Really? I didn't know that. But it seems more likely that a pomegranate would be grown in this section of the world over an apple. Am I stepping on God's toes? He could grow anything He wanted, anywhere, of course! I did learn that the Latin word "malum" means both "apple" and "evil". There's some interesting history behind this. I'm just glad my Fujis aren't forbidden!

Anonymous said...

akls;jdfakwhefkasdjf FRUIT.
no me gusta aquella palabra.

...and i think i need to work on my spanish.
i love your blog!
and i love you!
(PS. feel free to delete this rubbish comment :) )