Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cozy Kitties

It doesn't seem possible that I haven't posted a painting since last November. (I need to do better!)

This painting is a keepsake for a family member whose cat, Romeo, passed away late last year. She had the cutest picture of him sitting on the couch with his sister, Sassy, and this is the composition we came up with. I love the way their legs are all entwined, sharing their spot on a cuddly throw perched on the couch.

"Sassy & Romeo"

11"x13" oil on canvas


George P. said...

It's amazing how important these members of the family are. We're especially privileged when cats deign to share their lives (all 9) with us. You've captured that feline superiority wonderfully in this portrait.

Mary J DuVal said...

Thanks, Fergus. Yes, what's that saying that goes something like "cats don't live with us, we live with them"? I haven't had a cat for awhile now, so I enjoy other people's when I can.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Cats rule.
This is wonderful.

Mary J DuVal said...

Thank you, Mary! (and for visiting my blog. I visited yours and think you have a wonderful gift with color. I can really tell how much you love painting).