Saturday, February 26, 2011

Journey Series - #5

It's been awhile since I've completed another addition to my "Journey" series. As my family traveled by car to California, we were delighted to see snow on the approaching mountain range and I snapped a photo of Interstate 15 on the way into Barstow. Historically, Barstow is known as "a jumping off point for immigrants entering the state" during the Great Depression and was made famous by John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath.

As I painted, it brought to mind a painting done by my father (posted here and one of my very favorites) - his interpretation of what was either Interstate 10 (most likely) or I-40 on the way to California. The cars represent our family's multiple moves to and from California along with a plane in the sky which I like to think symbolizes the many miles he logged on airplanes in between moves. He always preferred travel by car.

Lots of good memories were made traveling back and forth on those highways. I hope my own children will treasure similar memories from our travels. To my delight, my son recognized my painting right away and said he could recall that exact point on the road. I hope he meant it, but maybe he just wanted more money so he could go get a hamburger at McDonalds :0) !

"Road Through Barstow"
24"x36" oil on canvas

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